CPOMS Engage™ FOR Schools
Simplify the Sharing of Sensitive Pupil Chronologies Across Settings

Why is it important?
With CPOMS Engage, Safeguarding, Child Protection, pastoral and welfare information can be shared across settings via a CPOMS Share Contract. The simplicity and speed of the software help ensure a more timely, collaborative approach to pupil safety and wellbeing.
Simplify the sharing of sensitive pupil chronologies and enhance your safeguarding processes
Start Today!
Contact your CPOMS Customer Success rep to learn more and get started sharing critical safeguarding information with your Local Authority today.
Securely Share Information
Create a seamless, secure transfer of pupil information with your Local Authority with a CPOMS Share Contract. Set up within CPOMS, Share Contracts are set up within CPOMS Engage and are configurable to your preferences including frequency, type of data to be shared and who should have access to the information. Schools retain full control of the data they choose to share.
Domestic Violence Notifications
Local Authorities can provide direct visibility of domestic abuse incidents received from Police. Entered at the Local Authority, the Domestic Violence Notifications become available immediately to your school.
Simplify Sensitive Data-Sharing
CPOMS Engage eliminates the need to reformat files, send secure emails and make countless phone calls. The data you specify is shared securely reducing administrative duties and enhancing safeguarding duties.
Maximise Resources
When it’s easier to share information with Local Authorities, Trusts, PRUs and other agencies, you can focus on putting the expertise and talents of your staff to good use for the benefit of the child.
Promoting Timely Collaboration for Student Wellbeing
For Pupil Referral Units
CPOMS Engage helps PRUs receive critical data from the referring establishment regarding the pupil’s background, including attainment, attendance and the pupil’s behavioural, emotional and social needs.
CPOMS Engage also helps PRUs share information with the referring institution in an ongoing fashion. This can help with reintegration planning and success.
For Multi-academy Trusts
With CPOMS Engage at the Trust, academy schools can seamlessly share data with the central safeguarding team for a collaborative approach toward pupil wellbeing.

What Our Customers Say
"I have worked for over 22 years in schools, 17 in my current role as Deputy Safeguarding Officer. Undoubtedly, admin for Safeguarding and Pastoral Support was an enormous challenge, especially regarding Transition. 2 years ago we started using CPOMS and this proved to be an invaluable tool for the management of Safeguarding and Well-being in school. Any information logged can, if needed, be printed or sent electronically which means the mammoth task can be done in an easier, quicker and in a more cost effective way. Instead of laboriously preparing the files and sending via recorded delivery, this can be completed in an instant. A massive thank you to CPOMS and staff… here’s hoping all schools signup ASAP!"

"We have been using CPOMS for over a year now and have been delighted with the ease at which it allows us to record and report actions, incidents and concerns. The system is very flexible and the support provided by CPOMS has been second to none. I would not hesitate in recommending CPOMS and would encourage you to take the opportunity to see CPOMS in action."

"As a split site, three form entry primary school the CPOMS system is ideal for us. Every member of staff in school has access to the system, with different permission levels allowing us to control the level of access. Quality training was provided by the CPOMS team and it quickly became part of our daily safeguarding management systems.One of the most important features for us is the ability to copy information to as many members of staff as you wish, whilst ensuring confidentiality.CPOMS are continuing to further develop the system, ensuring that it keeps pace with the changing role of schools in the safeguarding of pupils. CPOMS staff are well informed and offer prompt advice and support. I would recommend this system to any school wishing to streamline and improve their record keeping systems."

"CPOMS is a must-have. It’s an invaluable safeguarding and pastoral online tool that allows information to not only be stored securely but also to be analysed and shared quickly. Gone are the conversations in the corridor and the several repeated emails to colleagues and they have been replaced with, “I’ll CPOMS it”."

"CPOMS has been an absolutely invaluable tool in the development of our safeguarding procedures. Not only does it allow us to capture essential information from a wide range of sources, it enables us to spot trends and patterns quickly."